
What is your job as a parent?

Evitar la humillación de su hijo

Su niño puede sufrir emocionalmente y socialmente a causa de su discapacidad de aprendizaje.

Su trabajo como padres es el de intervenir y promover la confianza en uno mismo. Tienes que deshacer todo el daño que han hecho otros.

Descapacitados Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any online organizations or associations for the disabled?

Where can I find hard-to-find medical equipment?

What is a disability?

How can I make my Handicaped child relax and be comfortable?

Can exercise programs help me with my depression?

Where can I buy medications online?

How can I get away from the stress of dealing with a handicap?

Is there an online organization for mental health?

Why do I need to take my medications?

Are there any sports events available for disabled athletes?

What is 504?

Where can I buy medications online outside the United States?

How does Alzheimer´s disease affect memory?

Is there something I can do to show that I care?

What should I teach my children about respecting the disabled?

What can I use in the bathtub when my child cannot sit?

Is there an online source for alternative health?

What can I do to help a friend or family member after surgery?

Is there some way to modify my car so I can reach the pedals?

Where can I buy non-prescription medications online?

Can a disabled person take a cruise?

Does bed wetting run in families?

What is the proper etiquette for talking to someone with a disability?

Who will refer my child to the 504 Plan?

What is a migraine?

What is a migraine headache?

What are the symptoms of a migraine headache?

How does the ADA interpret reasonable accommodation?

Is Altitude Sickness Real?

Where Can I go for help?

Should I make assumptions about certain disabilities?

Do I have to disclose my disability on an employment application?

Do I have to disclose my disability on a resume?

Can you modify your clothing to make it work for you?

Am I in any way responsible for my childs 504?

What is Sarcoidosis?

How long will it take for me to get my Social Security>

Can you buy a child with Autism the same toy as you would anyone else?

Is there a program that offers free medicine prescriptions?

Is there a business that can help make travel plans for the disabled?

What is the most important thing I can do to help my LD child?

Do I have a right to work under the law?

What is the Americans With Disabilities Act?

Is it possible for a handicaped person to travel on their own?

Is there an online organization for headache sufferers?

Is it okay for you or your child to use special equipment?

Are there any tasks I can do as a handicapped person?

How do I know if I have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)?

Where can I find out about medical research and information?

Can you have equipment delivered to where you are going?

Will a Gluten Free diet help my Autistic Child?

Is Color coding helpful?

Why should I list all of the doctors.

Can my autistic child grow up and go out on his own?

Where can I meet special kids with disabilities?

Should I share information with my other children

Is there some vitamin that can help my autistic child

Does acupuncture help cronic fatigue syndrome

Should you let the disability be who you are?

Should dad´s be involved in the care of their special needs child?

Is it a good idea to visit the facility before I send my child there?

What is the rule about headlights?

Should we ever feel guilty for brining a special needs child to life?

Should toys for the Autistic child be durable?

What can a handicaped person do in case of an emergency?

Should you remember the siblings?

How Do I check the feeding tube?

Does Christmas Always Have To Be The Same?

Should you bombard a new parent with everything at once?

How can I save money on medications and prescriptions?

Is there a website that will help me cope with my child´s cancer?

Are there any employment opportunities for people with disabilities?

What type of therapy can be used to relax a person?

Am I selfish to want to take care of myself as well as my child?

Am I entitled to basic rights at my place of employment?

What should the IEP provide for my child?

Should I feel sorry for those with a handicap or disability?

Do I have the right to work even though I am disabled?

Should I put my hands on a disabled person to pray for them?

Do siblings of special needs children need support?

Why should you always wash your hands before touching the tube?

What is the best way to support your child who stutters?

What can I do to help my child gain control?

Are a good diet and exercise important in fighting High Blood Pressure

How do I go about leading as normal a life as possible.

How do I keep my caregiver in a good frame of mind?

Where can I buy HIV+ prescriptions online?

Do I Need To Bring All of My Child´s Equipment With Me When I Travel?

Do I deserve time alone in my role as a caregiver?

Will journaling help me cope with my disability?

Are bed pads useful in helping in stopping bed wetting?

How often should I check the skin around the site.

What is something that you should always do before you start cleaning?

What should you do to the tube at least once a day?

Is the use of special equipement essential to the handicaped person?

Is it okay for me to use handicapped-designated areas?

How to give advice to the new parent

Do I need to keep pounding in the information that is not understood

What is a positive way to cope with your disability

Is it important to take time for yourself?

Can a child with special needs have a special lunch made for him/her?

How do I clean my tube?

Why should I exercise?

How can I always be with my children?

When were the first Disabled Olympics held?

Is there a site where I can look up medical terms?

What should I teach my children about respecting the disabled?

Where can I buy medical-surgical supplies online?

Is there ever a good time to step in and help the child who stutters?

Can my optomistrist do anything to help me with my night vision?

What is it important for you to do at least once each day?

What is your job as a parent?

Do I qualify for social security?

What is the first thing I will need to do to start my SSI

Will talking slower really help the child who stutters?

Should I learn everything that I can about my diabetes.

Will Prayer really help?

Should I ask questions?

Is smoking good for my blood pressure?

Should I test my blood and my urine for sugars.

Are special talks important for the child who stutters?

How can you lighten you load?

When is the best time to get help for my child´s stuttering?

Should I wear my glasses after dark even if I do not need them?

Will being over weight affect my blood pressure?

What should my Blood Pressure be?

Will lowering my salt intake help with my high blood pressure?

Why is it so important to check my reet every day?

Is it okay for me to go barefoot once in a while?

What are some does and don´ts to foot care?

Why should I let others know of my illness?

When should I see my doctor for my depression?

What good will beating yourself up about it do?

What can you use to make yourself always available to the handicaped?

Should I make a face board?

Should I make a face board?

How can I help an Alzheimers patient remember who I am"

Should I be careful with my wheel chair ramp?

Should I be careful with my wheel chair ramp?

Should I leave the ramp space for those who need it?

Can I help heal myself?

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