September 7, 2001, Newsletter Issue #17: When it Happens to You

Tip of the Week

This question and answer tip comes from WebMD which will be my featured site this week.

Q: What can I do to live better with heart failure?

A: Focus on these essential areas to feel your best and stave off symptoms:

Quit smoking. No, it`s not easy, but WebMD and your doctor can help. There are tools available today that can ease the process and help you become smoke free with little if any discomfort or anxiety. Check out the latest information in the Smoking Cessation Center.

Exercise. You probably don`t feel like it. You may think it`s impossible or "dangerous." But rest assured, it will help. Ask your doctor what`s appropriate for you, then do as much as you can. Even short walks can help strengthen your heart and reduce your symptoms.

Eat right and stay slim. A diet that`s low in salt, fat, and alcohol, and full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats can make a difference. Arteries clogged with cholesterol make your heart work harder. So does carrying around excess fat. Maintain a healthy weight and eat a variety of healthy foods to feel, and look, your best.

Work with your doctor. To get the most benefit from your health care, you need to take an active role. Visit your doctor regularly, and bring a pen and pencil to jot down notes. If you`re unsure of something you`ve been told, don`t hesitate to ask for clarification. You can write down any questions you have ahead of time and bring them along. Here are some samples:

What exercises are safe for me to do? Are there signs that I should stop?
What do these various medicines do? What side effects can I expect?

Manage Your Stress. There`s mounting evidence that stress and depression can make heart failure worse. Support groups, one-on-one counseling, hobbies, volunteer work, meditation, and attending religious services are only a few of the numerous avenues you can pursue to help manage stress and combat depression. If you`re experiencing anxiety or sadness, let your doctor know.

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